
Website review 1/8/2015

They are very good there. They do a thorough check on your vehicle, and if they find more work that needs to be done they will bring it to your attention. They leave the repairs to your own discretion.

Website review 1/7/2015

I know the owner, they do very good work.

Website review 1/6/2015

I like the good service and the work is done in a timely manner.

Website review 1/5/2015

They did excellent service. They are friendly. They have a family oriented atmosphere.

Website review 1/4/2015

It is the only place that I have gone to that I haven't got cheated. I know them personally. They are upfront and honest.

Website review 1/4/2015

They do good work.

Website review 1/4/2015

They give me very good service, and I am very pleased.

Website review 1/1/2015

I thought the service was good, but not exceptional.

Website review 12/29/2014

They are very helpful by picking me up and dropping me off. The work done was a good job, since it is still working.

Website review 12/29/2014

I have been going to them for a number of years, ten to fifteen years. They always get it fixed and do a very good job.

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