Fishers of Men Ministry, Kenya Water Project

We support the local Fishers of Men Ministry, a non-profit organization founded by Joshua K. Ngao.

He is ministering to the poor and needy in Africa and other parts of the world. Fishers of Men Ministries, Inc. provides children and their communities with education, nourishment, discipleship, and growth through the power of Jesus Christ. FOM Ministries uses a Christ centered approach to transform one life at a time by feeding their body with food, their mind with education and their soul with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Tim and his daughter, Lily, went to Kenya in January to help a village with their water project. The project was originally established by the Davenport West high school engineering class.

Click Here for More Information
Kenyan water video thumbnail

Feeling thankful to help out #Kingsharvestpetrescue. We did 100 oil changes in January and contributed $5 each! We brought with us a box of goodies, such as Lysol, coffee cups and toilet paper for #Kingsharvestministries. Also, our tech Wade Spencer adopted a Kitten from there this month! Woo hoo! 

Dale's thank you photo
Dogs and cats

Yesterday we took the last load of dog food, treats and kitty litter to Kings Harvest Pet Rescue! I don't know how many pounds of dog and cat food that makes for the month and half but it was a lot! We performed 139 oil changes and donated $5 for each one. Along the the other financial donations made by our customers we were able to give them a check for a total of for $736.00! If you need a pet make a trip to Kings Harvest Pet Rescue! They really do great things over there.

Braxton Townsley

Glad we could help out Braxton Townsley & the Q.C. Storm this year with a sponsorship GO Q.C. Storm!

Kelly Bruce

Dale's Service Center is happy to help sponsor Kelly Bruce and the North High School girls softball team.